Monday, November 24, 2014

Tinamar volcano (Photo Naviera Armas) The truth is that I wanted to travel on the new line of Melil

It's flatrack 12 at night and under the garbage container before it passes flatrack the pickup truck. When I'm on the side of the container, among them a "type" appears pulling flatrack up his pants. I see that is totally flatrack drunk and more, I would say even a little something more (drugged or coca or hashish). Pants quietly climbs, from between the container and cross the street, where he is expecting another fellow sufferer. And they will wonder flatrack what was he doing between containers? As your needs. But their minor needs, but rather their greatest needs. And they are altered because some dogs do their business in the middle of the street and their owners do not capture the bag. And in Melilla one can find things like this. Some will say that the above would moro (taking the definition in the dictionary of the Real Academia, Moors are those who profess the Muslim religion and living in North Africa). No, they are wrong, the "guy" was Spanish (Spanish here is meant for those who are not Muslim, need not be Moroccans). The thing which is well known to all as a drunk and druggie and bred, who lives in the fully drawn and abandoned street. And when you live on the street, you have to find a place to relieve themselves, even between two containers of garbage.
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Tinamar volcano (Photo Naviera Armas) The truth is that I wanted to travel on the new line of Melilla-Motril. Porq not so new ...
Cross Stitch Corner

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