Monday, April 27, 2015

..stin Christian Brotherhood New Primordial Self. If you feel that you really want to walk in this

"That is salt for food, you are for the world. If the salt loses its saltiness, how will regain? He serves nothing, the fly out in the street and step on people." Here Jesus rebukes teu container the omission of enlightened to serve as yeast, which will elevate the masses through the documents and their reflections. The word "salt" with this concept, it is common to all students. Food without salt is considered unpleasant. The few was the salt of the earth, destined to make significant and excellent as a whole. But when a grain of salt lost its taste, nothing can be of the restore and then becomes useless and only to throw away. The salt shall transmit taste, the elect are to impart knowledge to people.
"You are the light of the world, a city built high on the mountain can not be hidden. People when they light the lamp, put not under the tank which measure the grain, but put it on the lamp stand to illuminate all people in the house. So to shine your light before men, to see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. "
These words motivate the elect to disperse teu container outward the light given them. Admonishes not to hide under the cover of a conditional behavior and encouraged to live and act in a way that people can discern the light which is within them (the Light of the Spirit) and see the straight roads by across the beam. A man who holds the light of the Spirit, can kindle the light of understanding in the minds of other people, who become in turn brilliant and enlightened. And this is the case of most of those who read these words. These were lit the flame of knowledge of the rays of the Spirit, which emanated from a soul, either teu container through teu container words or scripture teu container or personal communication. The understanding is contagious, so the broadcast it. This is the important result of the passage of the Gospel.
..stin Christian Brotherhood New Primordial Self. If you feel that you really want to walk in this path of Transfiguration, which is not meant as a endoxopoiisis process but as an integral transformation, in which the old, mortal teu container existence disappears and a new, immortal existence manifests. Mutation is the process by which the personality is able to participate in the process of transformation. The figure grew, developed and today mankind is faced with the e gkataleipsi personality in favor of the Divine Soul. As t Utu: not cultivate teu container now, not replace it partially, but completely abandon, so make room for a new, transformed personality with a new consciousness and new features. That's Metamorphosis. Systematically installed -and with it completely changes the way - in the life of the soul-spirit.
2015 (189) April (35) March (55) February (48) January (51) Implementation and Apoullopoiisi ubiquity and Immortality Life and death continue to rotate There is no death Let us awaken our new Soul! The Sacrifice of the old consciousness "New teu container Force not of this world" The Great Reversal The Three Bodies The Three universal languages Achieving Consummation Enopoiontas dual nature teu container Our mutant status are not transferred Truth, the Truth we Receive the Light The Wholeness Man "Do not be afraid little flock" On me? To live as souls What wonderful consciousness! The highest value "Because the soul has the same nature with the Divine." "Whoever asks God out of ..." The next stages ..chalkos echoes teu container or cymbal ... ..aeizoon fire .. .. fire, sword, teu container and war ... Knowledge that brought the Redeemer " renounce the world .. "Love your brother Finally the repressed emotions" Do not think that I came to abolish the law .. "" You are the light of the world "" He built his house upon the rock "" Do not worry about life Your "" Beware of false prophets "" Enter through the narrow gate "" Do not judge your fellow men "Ask to sow the seed of Truth Justice" Spirit of God "Theosophy The nature of the Soul is Light O Christ joined" the two oppositely a "The apotheosis of the human being Mysteries The piece of the lost soul Knowledge of heart The Fallacy annihilated The jar broke .. I love, I believe, I hope 2014 (451) December

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