Thursday, April 9, 2015

A inhabitants can, Vasilis dandy, that the 60 worked in Munich, impressed with the swans in the par

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During the 1960s, thousands of Greeks from all corners of our country migrated to Western Europe for work. But never forgetting his homeland. Indeed many of them dreamed of carrying the place for one of the ... good things they saw abroad.
A inhabitants can, Vasilis dandy, that the 60 worked in Munich, impressed with the swans in the parks and lakes and the interest that showed grimaldi container tracking the Germans for these birds. So he decided to do something similar in its place. So he bought from a private zoo in Ulm eight pairs white swans (Vouvokyknous) and two pairs of black. From there take them to Greece with his car. After incredible sufferings roads and obstacles to customs grimaldi container tracking of the countries crossed and has finally brought them to Kastoria. These were the first swans on the lake (no prior swans on the lake). It was in March of 1967. The first Swans in a special place (fot.V dandy) grimaldi container tracking
The Municipality of Kastoria made a space specifically for these swans on the edge of the lake, in Doltso. In these birds became a surgery on the wing that can not fly. Shortly afterwards the swans were released grimaldi container tracking in the lake. White remained but the blacks fled without anyone ever seen them before.
The presence of Swan Lake was a nice touch for the fur that showed great interest to them. Indeed, next year, they decided to bring and other swans from Germany. So Kastorians living in Germany gathered in a single day money and bought another grimaldi container tracking ten couples. It is worth mentioning that Olympic Airways undertook to convey them free in Greece. So with flight arrived in Thessaloniki and from there by road to Kastoria. grimaldi container tracking Some of the swans in the coming years were victims of hunters and Kastorians seeing that birds danger called grimaldi container tracking for a ban on hunting grimaldi container tracking in the lake which was immediately accepted.
In subsequent years the number of swans in the lake began to increase both the descendants of couples bought by Germany and by the people who came from natural populations coming for wintering grimaldi container tracking pond. Although no systematic measurements were made of the number of old Kastorians remember that their number was up to 180, maybe more.
A terrible frost in the early 1990s kept frozen lake for more than 20 days. The result was many swans leave. A few days later dozens grimaldi container tracking of swans were shot by poachers in Lake Agra and many believe that those swans were from Kastoria.
In the late 90s the lake 57 nesting pairs and that was probably the largest number of breeding swans in the lake. In 2003 recorded 15 to 30 couples. Since then the number of swans in the lake decreased and now ranges from 30 to 50 people and in 2009 a total of seven nesting pairs. Most that live in the lake, but many are those who come for wintering and stay on the lake a short time.
Today, the city of Kastoria provides grimaldi container tracking daily food to swans but many and Kastorians them systematically feed. Also, Friends of Environment Kastoria after its foundation, in 1974, took a large part of their care. In addition, the Environmental Protection Society Kastoria grimaldi container tracking monitors the number and movements of Swan Lake and is working on a research swan monitoring program under which placed plastic, numbered collars to determine grimaldi container tracking whether leave swans from the lake or if you come from other elsewhere.
The presence of swans in parks and gardens is widespread in many Western cities. In almost all cases the birds tracked by City services and ringing with a metal or plastic ring on the foot of the relevant research institutions. In Greece introduction swans apart from Kastoria held and Lake Agra where one or two couples continue to breed. Also, the Municipality of Drama attempted to introduce swans sources of Santa Barbara without success. Recently, Ioannina Municipality introduced among others and a few pairs of swans and perhaps some of them nest in the lake today.
The successful introduction of swans in Kastoria is due in large part to the acceptance and interest shown Kastorians grimaldi container tracking for AY

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