Sunday, April 12, 2015

Islamic storm threatens the country

The only patriotic movement that expresses all Greeks, rightists, leftists and centrists stephen bates are: outside of the EU and the euro area now because we do not want and do not need to belong to a new German European empire.
Greeks that you say to the drachma and the euro are tales. The only truth is that politics here - our economic elite put the euro to legally make the stolen out in consultation with the Germans and others, also on the banks do not stolen went.
With the drachma would be very difficult to get out money and since the banks will no longer be a place of safe custody all legal or illegal money will be invested as the old buildings stephen bates and other development investments. stephen bates AND FINALLY
Greeks can not forget that we are not racing 200 years as a nation to be free, not left to over 400 years Ottoman slavery to the deceased under the neo-Nazi German slavery.
"Psychological operations are planned psychological activities in peace and in war, addressed to enemy, friendly and neutral audiences in order to influence attitudes and behavior accordingly favorable to political and military matters. They include psychological operations, psychological war and psychological stabilization operations, is carried out in all areas of human activity, national, political, social, economic, religious, etc., undertaken on design to achieve the desired psychological stephen bates effect. " The Textbook below, taught (the teachers) in the school permanent officers of the Greek army, but unfortunately there still does not seem to be attributable to psychological operations the importance it should and probably this is the reason why our people have been receiving attack with psychological instruments without being able to defend itself and without someone to protect stephen bates him. (Send probably the Greek Army). Today the psychological war that we receive, not considered war, but journalism and information, which of course is a lie. As writes and manual, stephen bates the only way to resist the victim in psychological warfare, is to realize that it is objective psychological operations. Information and information. THALAMOFYLAKAS
Financial system, IMF and FED
Islamic storm threatens the country
In the crowds of fanatic Muslims destroyed the Greek citizens property raised stephen bates a placard with slogans written in English. The placards saying "Democracy and Freedom in orbit death - Islam is ...".
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to maintain stephen bates the view of as well as the right to seek and impart information and ideas without interference of any state authority throughout the world.
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to maintain the view of as well as the right to seek and impart information and ideas without interference of any state authority throughout stephen bates the world.
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