Litter is a serious problem in many places, a particularly big problem is the removal of organic materials which unfortunately are not recycled. ccl container This leads to the accumulation of organic waste in the streets or in landfills outside the cities, often in canals, creeks, rivers, ccl container seas and oceans. Also often tend to burn. All this leads to serious pollution of soil, water and air. The lack of an efficient recycling of organic waste not only causes unpleasant odors and disease risk; microbes in food rotting generate a large amount of methane when the decomposition of organic material is taking place anaerobically (as in landfills and dumpsters). Methane is a gas that, if not burned, is 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Under conditions ccl container of controlled anaerobic decomposition, methane produced ccl container can be used for heating ccl container or electricity generation and waste themselves become ccl container a source of organic fertilizer providing important microorganisms that enrich the soil.
Our idea is to use anaerobic bacteria to solve the problem ccl container of human waste at household level. Bacteria, which are obtained from placing a small amount of animal manure before drying in an airtight container (to ensure production of optimal bacteria) was used to digest ccl container household waste from the kitchen without moving from the spot, so that families return to not having the need to waste organic waste. This ensures that the streets are kept clean and there is nothing going to landfill end (everything ccl container else, once cleaned of organic material can be easily recycled). Anaerobic bacteria called "methanogens", which usually live in the digestive system of animals, being cultivated in a suitable concentration outside the animal decompose digesting organic matter (as in rotten) into aa "artificial stomach" ( a plastic container) in the same way they do in the stomach of an animal, then producing methane (natural gas) for easy capture and control plus fertilizer and to contribute to the provision ccl container of the organic material in a secure manner to environment.
We use organic waste from the kitchen to feed the anaerobic bacteria not only because that way the problem of urban organic waste is solved (even providing a better fertilizer than compost obtained by aerobic means), but because it offers two products different finishes: a rich liquid ccl container fertilizer that is easy to use and bottle and two hours of biogas for cooking ccl container almost daily.
Since organic materials in the kitchen garbage has an enormous amount of energy in the form of rich chemical bonds, biogas production from this type of raw material becomes 400 times more efficient than production from animal waste, while in the second case, the food has passed through the digestive tract of the animal and is therefore a 'spent fuel. " In some cases animal manure is used only as a "starter system" for the first day to start building our culture of bacteria. Once the system ccl container has been assembled (which usually ccl container take a minimum of two to three hours) we do not need animal manure (in a farming community biogas can start a new system using the liquid outlet any longer ccl container functional system) .
2 sockets 75mm
Basically you're trying to create an artificial cow to accommodate your methanogenic bacteria. You will need to provide your sacred cow of mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach, and a urethra, intestines, colon and anus. The urethra will get the fertilizer, biogas year. Your blender or grinder will InSinkErator cow teeth when grinding food.
Cut the top of the 1000 liter barrel so the 750 fits into your stomach with a range of approximately 12mm. This deposit will then become what we call "cow stomach".
In the bottom ccl container of the 1000 liter barrel drill a hole to fit the adapter for 25mm tank. Inside the socket and connects it to a piece of 25mm tube that reaches the center of the tank. The outdoor connecting the "T" and this drain valve and a piece of vertical pipe that projects ccl container at least 25 cm above the height of the tank. The tube within the tank extending
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