Chin-Feng Lee Jung Jin technical indicators examination and see it, such as MASS, MASS Metz line is the cumulative stock price volatility after the shock curve width of the design. The main role of this indicator is to find stocks or extremely weak stocks soaring important trend reversal points. Generally, when MASS than 25 representatives spread volatility expand. When MASS less than 25, representing a narrow spread volatility. The principle of this indicator: If a sealed container filled with gasoline or any chemical compound, after shaking force, internal compartmentalized pressures, it is easy to make container burst, material ejected, the application does not melt in the stock market interlaced reason, common . MASS index mainly to detect this "shake kinetic energy," the power to detect a conflict, when "shaking" the degree to reach a certain limit, suggesting price reversal. MASS index will likely bulge signals MASS normal market compartmentalized indicators useful. So MASS index only when the stock volatility to expand the application was better. The current value of the stock Meisi line with section 23.36 of chemical reagents and the lowest, showing MACD trend, such as the expansion of the potential follow-up value, is sign. Pharmaceutical stocks actually compartmentalized reflected its strong concern. These are just a hot plate to reflect historical cases only, do not represent the future trend.
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