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Swiss Pilatus Railway connects Alpnahstad of Lake Lucerne with a station near the top of Mount Pilatus at 2017 feet altitude. She climbs more than 1600 feet in just 4.6 miles, which makes najstrmnata railway line in the world. Invented is achieved by engineer Edward Locker, container wars claiming that even in strong wind no danger to the train derailed.
On June 4, 1889 at her moving steam locomotives, and May 15, 1937 is electrified. The old passenger steam locomotives are moved along with it an average 3 to 4 miles per hour and reached the top in about 60 minutes.
Today's electric trains climb 9 km / h and arrive about half an hour. The line still uses the original tracks, which already strari over 100 years. The route is used between May and November, when the landscape is filled with snow and the trains pass every 45 minutes. container wars In winter access is done through cable.
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