Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Worth more to say, defense against dumping accepted and approved in international trade. This is be

Freedom imports and scarecrows Economics | free market era
More steps irrelevance government's courageous war cost of living and centralization. This time, steps further opening of the economy to imports. Government decisions, received on Sunday, focused on removal still remains the least protection against dumped imports, and reducing the powers of the Standards Institution testing of incoming goods to Israel.
A little background, before going into details. Between 1991 and 2001, Israel procedure dramatic step of exposure to imports. Tariffs on goods originating from outside the US and the EU were reduced minimum rate. Protections of non-tariff barriers, such as import quotas or standards, greatly reduced. Today, the average tariff rate for goods in Israel comes a little more than 1%, similar to the US average "In the European Union. Opening the domestic market to competition from imports began long before the exposure. An extended discussion is in three chapters on imports on my site, and my book Welcome to the free market.
During exposure, demanded Ministry of Commerce 40 o 20 retain the option to increase protective cover. 40 o 20 This is knowledge that such elevation 40 o 20 is no problem in terms of Israel's commitment to the World Trade Organization which is a member that is lower than the customs maximum line marked with the organization, and even the most sensitive products not marked line requires. Treasury declined to hear about this possibility, and choose lean the protection of dumping duties and insured. Thus was born the levies.
Levy reassurance is not enabled since its inception, the more to speak of. Dumping duty is designed to defend against aggressive price cutting and temporary 40 o 20 foreign selling on the local market who wants to enter. Seller dumping its product reduces short-term to bring down the local plant competitor, and makes it more expensive then. Dumping treatment given by the dumped imports Prevention Unit at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This unit was established on the model in the USA, but first it was modeled on weaker. The main weakness is due Mcfifoth Minister of Finance in addition to the Minister of Industry and Trade. Any decision to levy must receive the approval of the Minister of Finance, and is inspired by the economist usually does not approve .
Worth more to say, defense against dumping accepted and approved in international trade. This is because dumping is considered the practice of unfair trade. Moreover, dumping 40 o 20 distorts the optimal structure of international trade, being based on data that do not reflect the real competitive advantage flooding manufacturer. Therefore, due to the deployment bag dumping 40 o 20 does not bring the best results 40 o 20 on the theory that supports free trade. For this reason, finance is offered 40 o 20 in the 90 the establishment of the unit against dumping, but, as usual, is now the pleas infrastructure rejects negotiations 40 o 20 he conducted.
Finance, inspired by the Trachtenberg Committee, pushing the government 40 o 20 to remove the protection against dumping monopolies 40 o 20 and individual manufacturers in the industry. However, under the pretext that monopolies do not face competition in the domestic market. Claim of lack of proper competition, but it is difficult to understand how it is related to the matter of dumping. Most of Israel's industrial production is centralized because of the small size of the country. This knowledge, previously defended consumers 40 o 20 with various regulatory authorities. Now, Mshaotn Authorities Tighten or closed, wild import competition recruiters blocked his entry in most civilized countries. Moreover, especially 40 o 20 that we also import is centralized, so its use as a tool to encourage competition is not really understood.
Another matter which recently 40 o 20 made headlines is the question 40 o 20 of the status of Standards Institute, 40 o 20 which is a state corporation operates under the Standards Act was passed in the Knesset in 1953. Under the slogan "cost of living" Treasury 40 o 20 weaken workers Institute, examinations add cost to importers, and sometimes suspended several Mizmotihm. Treasury's proposal to meet the standard 40 o 20 tests referred sell abroad 40 o 20 at the same time testing Standards Institute has been the team headed by Director General, 40 o 20 Ministry of Industry and Trade. Side, approved the proposal to expand the list of products that do not require approval of the Standards Institute, and the entry will be permitted a declaration by the importer. Details were provided shaping 40 o 20 of the Commissioner of Standards ministry.
Product standardization exists in all developed countries, and to protect the safety of consumer, health and pocket. Import standards prevents harmful painted toys, unsafe electrical appliances and more. Between those in charge of the proper voltage is held constant importers do not need to explain. Easy today to find goods from non-developed countries have not been tested properly. You can buy them on the cheap, sell them dearly. Most consumers are not as aware of the health and safety features of the products they buy.
First Round Standards Institute Association of Chambers of Commerce, representing the importers, took place in the early 2000s, following a lawsuit filed by the union against the Standards Institute. A professional committee headed 40 o 20 by Prof. Sinai Deutsch established by the government, rejected the union's demand for more freedom Standard tests in Israel. The government reiterated its recommendations of the Commission in April 2005 the High Court rejected the union's petition in June 2005.
Decisions taken in the government leave the dumping and the standardization status is unclear. What is clear, is the continuing decline of the minimum defense against imports that still remained in Israel. For example, replacing Test Standards Institute 40 o 20 importer surprising statement. Who will check the correctness of the statement - mass inspectors in charge of Israel in any field? "Mass inspectors", such as the forty inspectors in charge of the existence of Israeli labor laws.
In general, dictating economic policy management protests and crises is the essence of Houla of government in Israel. Any matter that comes was referred to the committee short-term and short-sighted. No planning, no regular monitoring, there is no communication between offices. This time, dancing Lhlilm import policy of the two scarecrows duty: Scarecrow Scarecrow cost of living and concentration.
Yoav On 31/01/2012 at 2:41 PM
Tamar floss is just an example 40 o 20 there are thousands of products like him. A small country like Israel should not normal for a needle in it imports, can rely on the proper functioning of any other advanced country (but not the & q

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