Monday, December 1, 2014

Enrollment nun. I was reading through all the papers in the blue envelope / folder thingy given us

Do I look like a drug addict? |. :: :: V.1 flavors.
Many blogs eh ... I really honestly. eBlogger (kidding.) Xanga. Livejournal. WordPress. And now here ... hahaha. Inaabandon them all. But anyway ... my blog too. So just okay. XP Maybe this is because I want to share. Those on the other blog, I just laugh at the kaartehan ... rants etc. Haha. So here it is, my first post I multiply my blog. Sayang used storage containers naman if I do not use! Haha
----------------------------- Do I look like a drug addict?
Seriously ... I face addictive? Haha. Why I like thought ... well ... nothing. I just got a text from ADSA (Associate Dean of Student Affairs). "Please come to the ADSA Student used storage containers Affairs window immediately after you next class to claim an important notice..please reply if there are delays to answering this summons ..." yiii. I suppose what ... pretty wild because my imagination. But even wild, I do not think ...
Enrollment nun. I was reading through all the papers in the blue envelope / folder thingy given us OAA (Office of Admission and Aid). Then I saw that there is a paper ... even reply slip attached dun eh. Ateneo de Manila Loyola Schools ... blah blah ... RANDOM DRUG TESTING. Ooo. "In compliance with something something ...." The drug test rarandom yung Ateneo in their students. Confidential used storage containers naman daw yung results ... something something. used storage containers I remember that I was thinking within the lines of "What will happen if one of the random used storage containers students I?"
So now, with the idea that we all know what I found there to ADSA !!! Suspense eh ... I suppose used storage containers I'm winning the lotto (joke) They borrowed ID. Done with me pinasign paper. Then they tore my lower half. And then they gave me the upper half being stapler yet. Said at the woman, "Please read, we will be expecting you ..." Yikes. What could I have done ?? * Super accelerated heart beat * Many more have much cargo nun. My backpack, my lunch bag, I'm expanding thingy folder, as I kidding jacket. You just imagine how I opened my paper at nilalapag I use and while walking. But merely, I turned. So nice to ... "Random Drug Testing ... my name ... I ... student number if I go to the Health Service Office immediately after my next class ... failure to comply ... something something ..." Okay. I'm used storage containers pretty LPU, so was processed first. Aaah ... okay ... gets. I lunch break so no prob. Pretty thoughtful mood where I first Health Service Office finished I went straight to the Infirmary. A special door on there !!! "For Students With Call Slips From ADSA." So I enter. I do not rap. Confident course. I have nothing to hide !!!
I ... like a hospital admission. Super quiet. Super clean. There are beds etc. But pretty tight. Haha. May I nameet pinoint guy ... and he dun drug testing room. Then I saw two female staff, staff finished a guy a girl student sitting there and write off the table. He never looked addictive. He faces a model student eh! I just seem to student. used storage containers Hahaha. Then I saw that stuff on the table. HALA. THE BOTE. As in big, like a container of vitamins. The next I've searched used storage containers the syringe ... sniff. I'm confused by then ... I thought they devour my blood. Quite a partially used storage containers exposed arms ... I'm ready for the injection. Then I closed my eyes would well. Suddenly when staff said, sitting out or sit down, something like that. Is not that, I sit. Then for a few seconds pretty space out ... wow ... when I say I do not seem to run out of blood they probably think I ineevade them and I really addictive !!! No escape. It's my blood to prove my innocence! (Shux, drama) When you snap out, I saw that staff who gave a plastic cup (who was like container fruit salad) FROM student ... err ... urine test because shovel. I need to fill more than half my bottle. Dun first move like a cup just finished the bottle. WHEW !!! YESS !!! Yeah i still can not die (fine, exag, faint). Ahahaha. So I'm at ease. Ayun fast forward ... they received the initials me I'm maybe 7 times. I Pinagsign maybe 5 times. Engravings. Hahaha. Then again asked what medications I drank for the past ten days. I do not remember. Not because I did not vavitamins used storage containers eh. Then they sorted me pinawitness used storage containers I seal my bottle used storage containers Pina Sign me over there. That. Just fast. I still edible after lunch. Haha I gave them alcohol before leaving. Thanks.
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