Related Posts Harry Reid: Not all billionaires are alike, Kochs bad, Las Vegas Sands CEO and neocon Adelson good. Why do nearly all the super rich (with the exception of the Kochs and a couple others) support the Democrats? How did Harry Reid get so rich? Harry Reid Tied to Alleged Medicare flexitanks Fraudster Saloman flexitanks Melgen
He is just brain dead,,, don't even consider life support,,let him go!!!!
Amazing democrats have no conscience. They will lie to your face, which is what Harry Reid is doing and has done. The arrogance of these people in Washington DC, Wow, he really flexitanks thinks the American people are stupid! Maybe so, we keep electing these thieves like Harry Reid!
I am so sick of this man .He's there for himself. I'm sick of all these Congress men I hope all of them lose their places.Then get Obama, Holder, Rice, Lerner, Hamel. and the rest out before they ruin this country. IT'S GOING TO HE'LL IN A HAND BASKET FAST.
There actually people who think Reid is great.
He forgot he was on Oprah Winfrey's dole! lmfao. Either that or he is THE biggest liar of them all (bigger than Obama?) and THE most corrupt of them all (more than Obama??) It's amazing when Harry Reid gets up to explain flexitanks himself what a deceitful POS he really is. Is he breaking any laws by being a POS, a complete and total criminal in government? Can a full-time criminal and leader of the Senate actually be impeached from office, or is impeachment just for removing good guys??
He can't tell the truth he only noses how to lie cheat and steal
Mooron !!
Crony Capitalism in America
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