Monday, November 25, 2013

First, we will try to establish the notion of anonymity in information and telecommunications netwo

Information kontajner Security - Anonymity in information and communication systems
This time, a slightly wider force an interesting article based on a lecture entitled Anonymity - Techniques ensuring the anonymity of the attackers, I had the opportunity to present at the 2007 Conference Infosek - Forum. But then presents the art of concealment of identity in the information and communication systems (IKS) are not lost nothing in its charm and today they are still usable and used. Some of the most effective, we will learn in more detail. kontajner
First, we will try to establish the notion of anonymity in information and telecommunications network and wondered why it is important to attackers or. in general, cyber criminals, and continued with the more technical work featuring some of the techniques kontajner and methods of providing anonymity and concluded with a presentation of ways to track, if it is at all possible.
I proceeded from the quote in the book Supervision and privacy in the information society, which says: "[Hackers] understand that if the 'crime' can not be connected to the body, only-it can not be punished" (Thomas, 2000: 24). The concept of anonymity distinction must be drawn from the concept of privacy. Anonymity means knowing the identity of the observed entity, while privacy means knowing the identity of a lack of knowledge of content that protects privacy. Information that most attackers carefully protect kontajner the information on their origin - connection point from which to connect to the IKS. Disclosure of origin usually means the disclosure themselves. Privacy and reach. safeguard kontajner the protection of content anonymity while hiding the origin kontajner of communication (or origin of the content). The information network will be defined by the source IP address in the telecommunication network but also with a telephone number as well as the IP address. True that the anonymity of the IKS difficult to ensure even harder to maintain, but it is very easy to lose (requires only a small inattention).
Unskilled cyber criminals use resources to achieve anonymity over which they have no control. They are used merely as a means to disguise their true origin. Psevdoanonimnost is suitable for practically only access a limited range of content, it is possible to locate the source of care, for example. review of log records in IKS. I would in this category placed Tor network, which otherwise has a high degree of anonymity but still does not allow cyber criminals control over the links in the chain. Recall the case of invasion of webmail Sarah Palin September of 2008. David Kernell was indicted by using HTTP intermediary services Ctunnel to conceal their identity but the owner of the service cooperated with the FBI and provide them with logs. In Slovenia, can be summarized Xanez123 example, where an attacker to use stolen in the attack Arnes account, which does not provide anonymity because the source proprietary telephone numbers. A good example is the concealment of identity (phone number) in the GSM network where the person called does not see the phone number of the caller, but the operator still holds it. You have complete anonymity cyber criminals may be provided in several ways. Using publicly accessible points to the IKS above which there is no monitoring, identity theft or using intermediate systems over which they have complete control. In the final rule, the cyber criminals frequently work with someone else's identity whose traces can then subsequently completely obliterated.
In the classical analogue and digital network (PSTN, ISDN, DSL, ...) are used to identify the user uniquely determined Subscriber telephone number (CLIP), which serves as the basis for determining the caller. In GSM and UMTS network is used to identify the IMSI number, which is then operator associated kontajner with the client. Special consideration deserves IP Telephony (VoIP) as to identify the user uses the SIP account (for each transaction as well as the IP address). Activity manipulating the telecommunications network called Eng. phone phreaking.
Let's start with a review of the classical analogue telephone network. Telephone connections are connected kontajner via twisted-pair cable to the distribution box, and then further up to the PBX. Physical access to the pair to abuse and take over the identity kontajner of a telephone connection. Access to the distribution box allows even take over the identity of an arbitrary entity in this razdvojišču. In the case of remote access cyber kirminalci abused badly configured telecommunications devices that are connected to the network. Whether these are minor pet private telephone exchange (PBX - Eng. Private Branch Exchange) with at least two channels (ISDN has two dialog channel), or other devices that enable call forwarding or. You dialout functionality. The caller can abuse such devices implement calls with a false identity and in addition to the account of third parties. Do not forget also to a telephone booth. If you are not under video surveillance, allowing the caller to the agent which can

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