Thursday, May 21, 2015

The port of Djibouti was developed by the French Total oil and Mobil in the 60 and 70. Since 2000 i

This is the port of Djibouti, "home" in Operation Atalanta Spanish used containers for sale | By Land, Sea and Air
Djibouti is a country port. Everything revolves around him and the historic French military used containers for sale presence of his former colony that has been extended since 2009 by EU countries (including Spain) and the rest of the world (as diverse as Russia, Japan or even Iran) whose armed use its port as a foundation in the fight against Somali piracy. Its airport also serves as a base to launch coastal surveillance operations with facilities the French Air Base 188.
This independent country since 1977, in the Horn of Africa, bordered by Eritrea to the north, Ethiopia in the west and south Somalia, is as strategic to enhance maritime security in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea enclave.
Photographer Oscar del Pozo (theirs are all photographs of this "post") and myself had the opportunity to spend 48 hours in the hot month of August in the port and the capital of Djibouti, taking advantage of the first "embedding" of journalists Operation Atalanta used containers for sale in facilitating the Ministry of Defense. A shared room with Mayka Navarro and Augustine Catalan (El Periodico de Catalunya) and Mateo Balin and Alberto Ferreras (Colpisa).
Of course, the main objective was the frigate "Reina Sofia", the newly arrived ship "Castilla" and air detachment "Orion", Spanish axes of the stories we write. However, beyond the military aspect and own "Operation Atalanta", a walk along the harbor or capital (with the great contrast which represents the luxurious Djibouti Palace Kempinski and people sleeping on the streets as a daily) leads to one archetype of the situation being experienced by the countries of this part of the world x-loop extreme poverty, unbearable weather conditions, drought, used containers for sale endless corruption, foreign presence that generates a double economy and business opportunity used containers for sale offshore used containers for sale yielding the waters to Somali pirates.
And of course ... if that's Djibouti, a country away from any source of instability in the light of the media although last year lived a sort of timid spread of "Arab Spring" against President used containers for sale Ismail Omar Guelleh, in the power since 1999, you think: what can fix the West in Somalia, state-failed par excellence? . I fear nothing, beyond some stability to ensure maritime traffic, which is being achieved with Operation Atalanta, among other forces present there.
Djibouti has an area of just 23,000 square kilometers, slightly larger than the province of Badajoz, and has about 880,000 inhabitants according to the latest statistics. It consists of five regions and the capital. And it has to Saudi Arabia, China and India as major economic partners.
Paints murals proud warrior ardor concerning the fight against pirates. Quarantined camel pens whose destination is export to countries of the Arabian Peninsula. A freighter, the Genco Pyrenées, used containers for sale full of coal piece workers unloading the goods at dawn, although 30 degrees andthe used containers for sale fire wet ball around the body remain there. Or the movement of vans carrying sailors, in their leisure hours, the center of the city to maybe take some beer in the hotel bar Menelik. These are pictures of the other scenarios of this key city for Operation Atalanta. An unknown face when reporting used containers for sale on matters relating to the defense.
The port of Djibouti was developed by the French Total oil and Mobil in the 60 and 70. Since 2000 is operated by Dubai Ports Internationals (by the way, with presence in Tarragona) with a concession until 2020.
A local garment washed in the same waters where warships are
ABC by Land, Sea and Air aims to be a window for National Defense, that intangible asset sometimes so mistreated and unappreciated by citizens and politicians. More on "By Land, Sea and Air"
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